The Obama Hustle

The Rediscovered Truth About Barack H Obama

Obama Alias Used For Cover At Chicago Gay Bath House?

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By AL HENDERSHOT – The Obama Hustle 10/30/2012

I am going to start this article by describing the context for which it, the article will be written.  There is a subculture with in the African-American community that is seldom discussed and that is the activities of Black men who engage in homosexual activities while still in heterosexual relationships, ie..  living in the down low.

Down-low is an African American slang term[ that refers to a subculture of men who usually identify themselves as heterosexual, but who have sex with men; some avoid sharing this information even if they have female sexual partner(s).   The term is also used to refer to a related sexual identity.  (Source Wikipedia)

Firstly, I want to make clear that this article is in no way making any disparaging comments towards the LGBT community.  This article is simply going to discuss the closeted activities of a man who is probably denying who he really is for political purposes.

The rumors about Obama‘s predilection for one-sided homosexual contact or even full sexual contact has been discussed for many years ever since his connection to several known Gay individuals and even others who might also be on the down low themselves such as Reverend Jeremiah Wright and current Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel.

Some so-called straight people love to have their homosexual fantasies explored in many ways and places.  Now obviously most MGM’s (Married Gay Men) cannot host his/their sexual encounters so he has to find alternatives.  One of Obama’s alternatives for his Gay sexual encounters has been known to be a Bath House known as “Man’s Country”.

Man's Country Chicago

Now as Bath Houses go Man’s Country appears to be the Trolliest (new word I invented).  Mostly older men frequent this establishment which is as past reported seems to be the kind of men Obama likes to play with.  It has been noted that Obama enjoys/has enjoyed having oral sex with older men where he is the recipient of the oral copulation.  Now whether he, Obama and Emanuel have ever played together that’s a different story all together, but that would be interesting.  Who would be more dominant, Obama or Emauel.

So we can have a better understating of what the bath house that Obama and Emanuel used to hang out at was/is like here is a review from one of its members, “John B”.


“Oh lord, am I really writing a review of Man’s Country. Have I really fallen so far?
In a word: yes.
To start, Man’s Country is a gay bathhouse. Men go there to have sex. End of story. There’s no Better Midler to-be entertaining men in towels. Oh, there are strip shows on weekends, but those are merely entertainments that precede or follow men having sex. Or sometimes happen simultaneously.
I live around the corner from Man’s Country, but have not been there since I’ve lived here. Which doesn’t mean I’ve never been there. I was never a regular, but I have my (lifetime) membership. But I hadn’t been there for eons. Until recently.
A few months ago, after a long night of drinking, I found myself outside Man’s Country. I had just bundled my friend into a taxi after closing The Eagle, which is next door. And I wasn’t done making poor decisions for the night.
You enter Man’s Country through an airlock designed to separate the tawdriness within from the naive world without. Or vice versa. Behind the (bulletproof?) glass are orange jumpsuited attendants who check you in. Is the similarity to prison coincidental? You be the judge. Man’s Country is a private club, which I guess provides protection from a slew of indecency laws, so you need to be a member to enter. Membership is 10 bucks, and has been since I first “joined” about 20 years ago. Membership lasts a lifetime, which, if you visit regularly, may be perilously brief. The entrance fee varies, depending on whether you’re renting a locker, a small room, a large room, or a “fantasy” room. This ain’t The Sybaris — “fantasy” relates to a variety of S&M accoutrements. You receive a key (to your room or locker) on an elastic strap, a well-worn towel, and if you have rented a room, shreds of cotton that pass for a sheet and pillowcase. Are you in the mood yet? You are also offered the opportunity to check your valuables. Check your valuables. I am not saying that “Man’s Country” is a synonym for “Den of Thieves.” But check your valuables.
Then you go to your room or locker, strip down, stow your stuff, wrap the towel around your waist and elastic band around your wrist, and you’re off to the races.
There are three levels to Man’s Country. That’s right — this is a superstore. The main level has the locker room, some private rooms, and a video room. Upstairs is a maze of more private rooms, another small video room, and the large showroom, where the strippers live. When there is not a show, the TV screens show porn (as they do in the video rooms, of course), and men have sex. On the floor, on the stage, on the seating area. The private rooms are fitted with lights on dimmers, so the occupant can show you as much or little as they like. Don’t expect the lights to be up — these guys aren’t beauty queens. The men are generally lying on their backs or stomachs, depending on what they expect you to do to them. You do the math.
What struck me on my recent visit was the number of guys wandering around mostly or fully dressed. This says one of two things to me: 1) hustler, or 2) thief. Because after I steal your stuff, I don’t want to take time to get dressed before I book. The other thing was what a horrible state of disrepair everything was in. There’s nothing wrong with Man’s Country that a good fire couldn’t solve. Short of that, they need to hose the place down from top to bottom, soak it in bleach, and maybe bring in an exorcist or two. Man’s Country is open 364 days a year, and it shows.
The lower level is the “wet” area, featuring a steam room and tub. I expect there are bacteria in the tub big enough to knock you down and take your wallet. As for the steam room… Old men + dirty men + sexual activity + steam = ? You fill in the blank.
My last time at Man’s Country was probably my last time at Man’s Country. There’s nothing there for me, unless you count gonorrhea.”

This tells me that Obama and Emanuel like seedy joints out of the way so they can have their play-time in secret and go home to the wife and kids.


Now this leads to the Obama alias of Harrison J Bounel which was linked to Obama as of 2009. What better alias than one that is hard to trace and that can be used for what ever needs available. Especially having to have a fake name for fun times at Man’s Country.

Could the Obama alias be the one that he was using to hide his membership to Man’s Country?  Interesting thought.

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  1. […] a strange blogsite:  But could this be […]

  2. […] again? Well, you know what we mean. Oh and Barry, don’t forget those pictures we have of you at Man’s Country. But we […]

  3. […] course, considering that the Fearless Faggot, the Kenyan, your CIC is a faggot, this only excites the Communists within the walls.  Do you not fear for your […]

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