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Judge Roy Moore “No convincing evidence that Obama is a natural born citizen””

with 9 comments

English: Great Seal of The State of Alabama

Judge Roy Moore sworn in,January 11, 2013, Ten Commandment judge returns, God and scripture references, No convincing evidence that Obama is a natural born citizen

Judge Roy Moore sworn in,January 11, 2013, Ten Commandment judge returns, God and scripture references, No convincing evidence that Obama is a natural born citizen

“Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense,  to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells

“Lakin “not only has a right to follow his personal convictions under the Constitution, he has a duty,” Moore said. “And if the authority running the efforts of the war is not a citizen in violation of the Constitution, the order is unlawful.”

Moore said he’s seen no convincing evidence that Obama is a “natural born citizen” and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.

“This is the strangest thing indeed. The president has never produced [evidence] in the face of substantial evidence he was not born in our country. People are accepting it blindly based on their feelings, not on the law,” he said.

“They can’t fool all of the people all of the time, and that’s what they’re trying to do,” he said.”…Judge Roy Moore interview by WND

“Why does a judge swear to discharge his duties agreeably to the constitution of the United States, if that constitution forms no rule for his government? if it is closed upon him, and cannot be inspected by him?”… Marbury versus Madison

From January 11, 2013.

“Ten Commandment judge returns: Roy Moore sworn in as Alabama’s chief justice”

“In a ceremony heavy on references to God and scripture, Roy Moore took the oath of office today as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.

Moore was joined by many relatives and a number of classmates from the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, where he graduated in 1969.

An overflow crowd attended the investiture ceremony at the state judicial building to see Moore return to the office roughly nine years after he was removed for his refusal to follow a federal judge’s order to remove a Ten Commandments monument that Moore had placed in the state judicial building. Moore has said that order was wrong.

He did not mention the controversy during today’s speech. He did quote George Washington from an inaugural address on the subject of acknowledging God.

“It was right then to acknowledge God. And it will continue to be so,” Moore said. He also said the foundation of the judicial system was laid in Deuteronomy 1:16-17. “We’ve got to remember that most of what we do in court comes from some scripture or is backed by scripture,” Moore said. More than 100 people watched the ceremony from an overflow area on closed-circuit television.

Tommy Bryan, a member of the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals since 2005, was sworn in as an associate Supreme Court justice.

Bryan was elected to fill the seat vacated by Justice Thomas Woodall, who retired.

Moore was sworn in Circuit Judge John Bentley from the state’s 25th Judicial Circuit, which includes Marion and Winston counties. Bentley attended West Point with Moore. Bentley introduced a number of other West Point graduates who came to Montgomery for Moore’s swearing in.

Justice Michael Bolin swore in Bryan, whom he called one of his best friends. C.O. Grinstead, pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Oxford, drove to Montgomery to see Moore sworn in. He said Moore was a long-time friend.

“I’m thankful he ran and that is not a derogatory statement against the previous chief justice,” Grinstead said. “I just think the name Roy Moore is a statement in itself against crime and something for great morality.””

From WND September 20, 2010.

“Battle-scarred judge says Lakin decision ignores Constitution”

” The military judge who curiously noted without explanation that uncovering evidence about President Obama’s birth records could prove “embarrassing” and denied an officer the right to obtain potentially exculpatory evidence in a court-martial simply has forgotten the Constitution, the supreme rule of the United States.

So says Judge Roy Moore, who battled the politically correct climate as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court a decade ago and ultimately was removed from office by a state panel that refused to review the constitutionality of a federal court order.

His comments came today in an interview with WND about Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, who yesterday was denied permission by Army Col. Denise R. Lind to obtain evidence that could document Obama is not eligible to occupy the Oval Office.

Lakin refused to follow his latest deployment orders to go to Afghanistan, because he was unable through Army channels to document Obama’s eligibility, and the president himself has declined opportunities to do so.

Judge Moore, who now operates through the Foundation for Moral Law, has personal experience with challenging the powers that be to follow the Constitution. His dispute centered on a Ten Commandments display he put in a state building to recognize the God who inspired the Founders of America.

A federal judge opined that the monument shouldn’t be there and ordered its removal. Moore refused and ultimately was removed from office by a state commission that he says “blindly” followed the order without evaluating its legitimacy.

See the movie Obama does not want you to see: Own the DVD that probes this unprecedented presidential-eligibility mystery!

With her decision, Lind mirrored a number of federal judges who have ruled on civil lawsuits over Obama’s eligibility. They have without exception denied the plaintiffs’ access to any requested documentation regarding the president’s eligibility.

Lind ruled that it was “not relevant” for the military to be considering such claims, that the laws allegedly violated by Lakin were legitimate on their face and that the chain of command led up to the Pentagon, and that should have been sufficient for Lakin.

Moore said the ruling is a symptom of a judiciary across the nation that now believes in following “blindly.”

“The highest law in this country is not the order of the Supreme Court of the U.S., not the order of the commander in chief, or any subordinate officer,” he said.

Instead, it is the Constitution, which in this particular case demands that the president be a “natural born citizen,” a requirement not imposed on other officers.

There have been dozens of lawsuits and challenges over the fact that Obama’s eligibility never has been documented. The “Certification of Live Birth” his campaign posted online is a document that Hawaii has made available to those not born in the state.

“Lt. Col. Lakin has every right to question the lawfulness of the orders of the commander in chief. He’s not only the commander in chief, he dictates the whole war effort, as shown by the recent firing of [Gen. Stanley McChrystal],” Moore said.

It doesn’t matter, he said, that orders come from a colonel, or a general or even the Pentagon.

“The same thing applies in the military as in the judicial system,” he explained. “The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, it’s not the order of a higher officer, not the order of a judge.”

Lind found that since Congress allocates money for the war effort and the Pentagon was created, an order tracing back to the military hierarchy should have been sufficient for Lakin.

“That’s wrong,” Moore said. “They’re not the commander in chief.

“No order in the military can be issued without the authority that backs the order. The president didn’t give the order, but he is the authority that backs the order,” he said.

With the current protocol to simply follow orders, Moore warned, the U.S. will develop more incidents like that involving Lt. William Calley in Vietnam. The atrocities of My Lai were carried out under the guise of “following orders,” Moore noted.

Lakin “not only has a right to follow his personal convictions under the Constitution, he has a duty,” Moore said. “And if the authority running the efforts of the war is not a citizen in violation of the Constitution, the order is unlawful.”

Moore said he’s seen no convincing evidence that Obama is a “natural born citizen” and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.

“This is the strangest thing indeed. The president has never produced [evidence] in the face of substantial evidence he was not born in our country. People are accepting it blindly based on their feelings, not on the law,” he said.

“They can’t fool all of the people all of the time, and that’s what they’re trying to do,” he said.”

9 Responses

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  1. Alabama will be Obama’s water-shed moment.

    The Obama Hustle

    January 24, 2013 at 10:22 pm

  2. That Obama is NOT a Natural-Born American is prima facie. Obama lacks Jus Sanquinis. A Natural born Citizen IS; “One born on U.S. Soil of ParentS who are BOTH Americans”. Obama’s Father was a British Subject. This makes Obama a Usurper,a Spy and a Traitor under U.S. Law. See 18USC,Part 1,Chapter 115,Sec.2381 and the UCMJ,Section 906,Article 106.


    January 25, 2013 at 5:44 am

  3. We have reached a new milestone, 16,000 petition signers. Good Job Everyone! But let’s keep going please.


    SUBJECT LINE: Judge Roberts to Hear Obama Case —Fed 15, 2013

    It is real!

    Judge Roberts to consider a case concerning the use of a false SS# by Obama on Feb 15th, 2013.

    Please send this around to everyone you know that loves our country Attorney Orly Taitz has a hearing before the United States Supreme Court in Feb. Roberts will make a decision to hear her case that is about Obama’s use of a fake SS#. She needs our help! She needs your help now, today.

    A milestone, over 16,000 signatures on her petition for Congress to investigate Obama’s use of forged IDs and CT stolen SSN 042-68-4425
    Read all the comments at

    Over 16,000 People who have sent Letters and Emails Sent So Far. Please, friends, continue to spread the link. We can do better!

    Note the URL. It is, FREE petitions that send email to Capitol Hill for you, (THIS IS NOT THE WHITE HOUSE SITE THAT NEEDS 100,000 SIGNATURES FOR CONSIDERATION)

    This website has every email address to reach all people in congress. They send your email for free to your representative on your behalf.
    I sent the petition WITH my 2 cents added, by emails PLUS the more effective paper letters to my congressmen; all handled for you.


    Thank you and God Bless America!

    Bob Harding (@pinetopbob)

    January 27, 2013 at 2:28 pm

  4. UPDATE: JANUARY 30, 2013

    Justice John Roberts is going to review a case on Feb 15th regarding Obama’s use of a fake SS#. The case review is real:

    We do not think Roberts will act so we are demanding that Congress take action.

    Over 20,474 Letters and Emails Sent So Far.

    Bob Harding (@pinetopbob)

    January 30, 2013 at 4:28 pm

    • NO he isn’t. The US Supreme Court has simply put Orly’s case onto a list of forty or fifty other cases to be considered in a regular meeting to decide whether to take cases or not take cases. EVERY case that is appealed to the US Supreme Court is considered at such meetings, and it takes very few of them, rejecting 99.5% or even higher. In any case, Chief Justice Roberts is NOT going to review to case, nor will the US Supreme Court. It will simply decide whether or not to take the case, most likely not.

      Obama’s birth in Hawaii is shown by:

      (1) the birth certificate, short form and long form; (2) the confirmation of the officials of BOTH parties; (3) the confirmation by the public Index data file; (4) the confirmation by the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii in 1961 (and only the DOH could send those notices to that section of the paper, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii); (5) The Hawaii teacher who wrote home to her father, named Stanley, after hearing of the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley; (6) the fact that Obama’s Kenyan relatives NEVER said that he was born in Kenya and, instead, said repeatedly that Obama was born in Hawaii, and the fact that the Kenyan government investigated the “born in Kenya”story and found it false; (7) The fact that Hawaii is thousands of miles away from the nearest foreign country and women rarely traveled late in pregnancy in 1961. And neither Obama’s parents nor his grandparents at the time were rich enough or dumb enough to send their daughter on a long, expensive and risky trip (the rate of stillbirths was high in those days) to a foreign country late in pregnancy—-when there were perfectly good hospitals in Hawaii.


      February 2, 2013 at 5:45 pm

  5. […] Judge Roy Moore “No convincing evidence that Obama is a natural born citizen”" ( […]

  6. UPDATE: FEBRUARY 27, 2013

    On February 19, the US Supreme Court turned down Orly’s case.


    February 27, 2013 at 1:45 pm

  7. More than a year and a half has passed since this article was posted, and Obama is still the President of the United States, and there have not even been hearings on the subject of eligibility in the Congress. And there are early signs that Jindal and Rubio (neither of whose parents were US citizens) and even Cruz (who was born in Canada) are getting ready to run for president in 2016.


    September 30, 2014 at 10:46 am

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