The Obama Hustle

The Rediscovered Truth About Barack H Obama

(Report II) It has been noted that the Obama’s are the owner’s of a “Trust” that owns 5046 S Greenwood Ave. The answer to that is “NO”

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“The Obama Hustle blog” is simply exercising its rights under the First Amendment Clause to the Constitution.

It is now known that the Obama’s technically do not own 5046 S Greenwood Ave., the house the Obama’s call home in Chicago, IL.  The house is actually owned by the Northern Trust Co., Trust # 10209 as recorded in the Cook County Recorder of Deeds as of 2011.

It is now also known that the Obama’s do not pay the taxes for the property at 5046 S Greenwood Ave.  In reality it is “Harvey S Wineberg (Verified by the Cook County Assessor’s Office)”, an Obama “Bundler”, an Obama contributor, and one of the founding partners in the accounting firm of “Wineberg Solheim Howell & Shain” which is also the firm that handles the taxes for the Obama’s, is the individual who actually pays the taxes on the supposed Obama home in Chicago, IL.

In a previous interview with WND, Wineberg told WND in a telephone interview that, “he simply pays the tax bills he receives on the Obama property. He said he has no idea whether others are paying taxes on the property or whether the amounts he is paying agree with the amounts Obama reports on his personal IRS income-tax filings.”

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It is also known that the Obama’s supposedly purchased the house they call home in 06/2005; however, no record exists with their names directly linked to 5046 S Greenwood Ave.  The Obama’s gained control of the property through a “multi layered real estate transaction” which was accomplished with the aid of Barack H Obama’s friend and mentor, William Miceli and the Northern Trust Co.

The one question that has not been asked is why did the Obama’s use a Trust to purchase the house that they stay in when they are in Chicago.  The reason why they occupy the house in Chicago is because they are not the owners.  The Northern Trust Co, Trust # 10209 is the actual owner of the property.

The Obama’s are not the taxpayers on record for the property, their Accountant, political “bundler”  and contributor Harvey Wineberg is on record as the one who pays the taxes for 5046 S Greenwood Ave.  Why?  Because the Obama’s do not own the house, period.  The Northern Trust Co., Trust # 10209 is the owner so how can the Obama’s pay the taxes for a house that they do not own.

If one does not have a valid SSN, such as the SSN that Barack H Obama is currently using it is virtually impossible to obtain a mortgage using conventional methods.  The reason being that he did not want his background being examined when applying for a conventional mortgage through the application process which has to do background checks to prove eligibility to own property through Credit Checks and so on.

He used “buffers” like William Miceli, Tony Rezko, Rita Rezko, and The Northern Trust Co. to assist him in the purchase of a property that he wanted.

Q. What is Barack Obama’s Credit Score, if he has one and is that the reason why he used “buffers” so he could occupy the house?

Q. Can he verify his current SSN Number?

Q. What is Barack Obama’s Credit History, if he has one?

Q. Why was a Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac type loan used for the Trust # 10209 to buy the house?

Q.  Did he not want his personal background verified?

Q. Did the Obama’s not want the history of 5046 S Greenwood Ave. to be known?

Q. Why did the Obama’s redact the PIN # for the home that they claimed on their 2009 IL Stat Tax Return, yet deleted the property tax information all together on their 2010 IL State Tax Return?

Q. why has there been 1.65 Million Dollar price tag on the house since the 1990’s?

I have not included my findings for the Rezko lot.  I am currently working with a journalist on an article that is nearly complete and it will show that a crime was committed as it pertained to the Rezko lot and the “buffer zone” that the Obama’s supposedly purchased for the house.

It has been noted that the Obama’s own 5046 S Greenwood Ave.

The PDF above has the information that I compiled from the Cook County Recorder of Deeds on Northern Trust Co. Trust # 10209, the actual owner of 5046 S Greenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60615.  This information tells me that the Obama’s do not own this house at all.

Q: Why is the city of Chicago paying millions of dollars for security on a house that is not owned by the Obama’s?

Q: Why has the media not jumped on this and asked pertinent questions concerning this house?  Is it just “old news”?

3 Responses

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  1. Since he is already in the White house, and as Bush proved, even in cases of voter fraud, the government won’t kick the president out, I think his personal finances have become irrelevant. Though, if a crime can be proven, I’m certain a lot of folks would be happy to see any public official prosecuted at this point.
    The reason the media hasn’t hopped on it? Too difficult for the “average Fox viewer” to understand and since as pointed out above, the government isn’t likely to act on it anyway, there isn’t much to sensationalise.


    January 17, 2012 at 9:52 am

  2. Obamas house is owned by Judge Jane L Stuart, Hmmmmmmmmmmmm


    July 7, 2012 at 10:40 am

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