The Obama Hustle

The Rediscovered Truth About Barack H Obama

Day One of My Discoveries

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Day One

“The Obama Hustle blog” is simply exercising its rights under the First Amendment Clause to the Constitution.  05/25/2011

This is the information that I pulled when I was “Skipping ” a debtor in Chicago.  She was one of only two accounts that I had for the whole state of IL.  Note the Irony.  When I clicked on the neighbors section of the database search Obama’s name pulled up as a neighbor to this individual when she lived off of Everett Ave back in the 90’s and I said HMMMM.  Well, my curiosity got the better of me and when I clicked on his name this is what was pulled.  The name showed “Harrison J Bounel” with an unknown gender and Obama’s current SSN.   I have the originals.  Note the SSN and the address of 5046 S Greenwood.  I did not even know that was his address, hell I didn’t even care for that matter.  But my question is why was there an “Alias” with his current SSN?  That is the question that the “Skip Tracer” in me was asking.  So I dug deeper.

Now just click on the links below and you will see exactly what I saw.

  • Note at the bottom of Harrison’s information pull there is a hyperlink for his relatives, well when I clicked on it, Michelle’s name showed up as a relative of “Harrison J Bounel” i.e. Barack H Obama.

Bounel Harrison J and Barack Obama shared SSN

Bounel Harrison J’s Wife

  • Now, why would someone use an alias living at 5046 S Greenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60615 as of 11/2009?  Well it gets better and i will show and explain later in the series of articles.  Now moving on.  When I did a search for Barack Obama , Chicago, IL, these are the results of that search.  Note the many addresses for Barack Obama. and also note the associated pulls for just a couple of the addresses.

People Search Results for Obama in Chicago IL

  • Next are the series of pulls for the addresses listed to Barack Obama in Chicago, IL.  I did just two pulls because there are so many addresses for this man who it is hard to keep track of all of them.  To date I have counted 58 across the country and in states that allow for provisional balloting.  I will explain these findings later on the series.  Just wait till you see what I found in AR, MO, TX, NY, MI, and so on.  Not counting the few that I have found for Michelle Obama, which I will show later in the series.

Now a person uses an alias when they  have something to hide, so they use a fake name in the knowledge that rarely will anyone ever ask any questions.  Especially when we are doing something where we will not be asked by someone who, what, where, when, and why especially when it is not being done in person, but by some one else acting for the perpetrator. Like when someone is living on “The Down Low”, they do not have a valid SSN, or they are involved in unscrupulous activities and they do not want to get caught.

Now let us move on to the next thing I discovered in my first evening of getting to know the Obama’s and their friends.  The next link is an address search that i did for 5046 S Greenwood and it turned up some very interesting anomalies.  You will notice I circled the name for a Jane L Stuart.  She is a Judge in Chicago and she is also listed as one of the owners of 5046 S Greenwood Ave along with the Obama’s accountant “Wineberg”.  That will be in the next article in the series.  You will also note the other individuals associated with 5046 S Greenwood Ave the same time that Frederick Wodisford and Sally Radovick were the owners of the property.  There are / were many individuals associated with the same house at the same time.  Why?  I will create a hypothesis as to why there were so many people involved with the property.

Same Address Search Results for 5046 S Greenwood Ave.

The next article in this series will show the true owners of 5046 S Greenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60615 and it is not the Obama’s.

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  1. Reblogged this on The Obama Hustle.

    The Obama Hustle

    January 20, 2013 at 6:43 pm

  2. The Obama Hustle writes:

    Now, why would someone use an alias living at 5046 S Greenwood Ave., Chicago, IL 60615 as of 11/2009?

    Why is it to be supposed there is an alias being used? There is another possible explanation. Namely, that the Obama’s created a Grantor Trust naming Mr. Bounel (possible relative of Michelle) as the Trustee. Under grantor trust rules, taxes are reported under the Employer Identification Number of the grantor (here, Mr. Obama). This would explain why Mr. Bounel’s name is “linked” to Pres. Obama’s SS#.

    You’re jumping the gun without having eliminated one possible (innocuous) explanation.

    There are / were many individuals associated with the same house at the same time. Why?

    There are several possible reasons, including: 1) the database you’re pulling from has errors, 2) the property has multiple “parcel numbers” for real estate titling purposes, so more than one parcel is being linked to the S. Greenwood address, or 3) several of these “other persons” show dates during the period the Obamas were in the White House; there may be any number of reasons why caretakers or other persons had names linked to the address.

    Bottom line: a “skip trace” is no substitute for a properly conducted title search. When sloppy research is combined with an over-active imagination, all sorts of wrong suspicions and conclusions can be drawn.


    January 22, 2013 at 8:51 pm

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